How do I combine reporting periods into a single reporting period?

This is a common question. Unless the election is within four months, a C-4 is due only when the committee has deposited or spent more than $750 since the last C-4 report was filed.

Skipping reporting for a month or more, however, means that when the committee reaches the $750 threshold, it will report for the period that started where the last report left off, and end with the end of the month in which the threshold was reached. Follow these steps to combine reporting periods:

  1. Click the C-4 reporting function.
  2. Find the C4 report for the last month of the period that you wish to combine. Click the File button for that report.
  3. When you view the report, you should see a Combine Reports button at the top. Above the report is the date range that the combined report will cover. Click the Combine Reports button to create the combined C-4.

You will not be able to combine C-4 reports that you have already submitted. If your committee is participating in an election, you will be required to file a 21-day pre-election report, a 7-day pre-election report, and a post-election report. Please do not combine these C-4 reports with other reports. You must file them separately.