I suspect there's more to reporting ... right?

Probably. It depends on how much you're going to raise and spend on your campaign.

If you choose Mini Reporting (limiting what you raise or spend to $7,000 and no one other than the candidate contributes more than $500), the C-1 and the F-1 are the only PDC reports you have to file.

If you're going to raise and spend over $7,000 to get elected (or less than that, but you want to accept more than $500 from a contributor), you must select the Full Reporting option. You'll be required to file frequent and detailed contribution and expenditure reports (Forms C-3 and C-4, respectively).

The PDC realizes that candidates are not always able to forecast campaign costs accurately, and may need to switch reporting options. Changing from mini to full reporting must be done by the deadline before the election and approved by the PDC staff. The Candidate Instructions explain the deadlines and steps required to to change from mini to full reporting.