PDC Enforcement Case Attachments


This dataset contains list PDC enforcement case documents from 2010 forward. The data present summary information with one record per document. Additional information about the case can be found at the case_url link.

This dataset is a best-effort by the PDC to provide a complete set of records as described herewith.

Descriptions attached to this dataset do not constitute legal definitions; please consult RCW 42.17A and WAC Title 390 for legal definitions.

CONDITION OF RELEASE: This publication and or referenced documents constitutes a list of individuals prepared by the Washington State Public Disclosure Commission and may not be used for commercial purposes. This list is provided on the condition and with the understanding that the persons receiving it agree to this statutorily imposed limitation on its use. See RCW 42.56.070(9) and AGO 1975 No. 15.

Last Updated:
Field Name Data Type Description
url url The URL to access this document.
case_url url The URL to access more information about the case that this document is attached to.
id text The unique identifier for this row. The value has no meaning but it can be used to track changes to the row.
case text The PDC internal case number. This number will not change for a given action and is unique.
subject text A short description of the case this document is attached to.
document_type text The type of compliance case document.
description text A description of the file.
file_name text The name of the file.
case_opened calendar_date The date the case was opened by staff. This may be later than the date a complaint was first filed.