Woodland Citizens for Schools: Alleged Violations of RCW 42.17A.235 for failure to allow public inspection of books (EY24, Feb24)




Woodland Citizens for Schools


Codi Roy


On February 13, 2024, the Public Disclosure Commission (PDC) received a complaint alleging that Woodland Citizens for Schools (Respondent), may have violated RCW 42.17A.235 by failing to allow public inspection of books of account.  

PDC staff reviewed the allegations/complaint and noted that the Respondent, by way of its treasurer, failed to provide the statutory required access to its books of account by not allowing access to its records within 48 hours, as required by law.   

Staff determined that the Committee was not aware of the statutory requirement to allow inspection of books of account to the public within 48 hours of the request being made by a member of the public. However, pursuant to WAC 390-37-060(1)(d), staff issued a formal written warning to the respondent concerning its failure to allow public inspection in the manner required by the statutory Scheme.   

Accordingly, the PDC dismissed this matter in accordance with RCW 42.17A.755(1). 


Case Closed with Written Warning

Date Opened

February 23, 2024

Areas of Law

RCW 42.17A.235, RCW 42.17A.240

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