January 02, 2019

We're having a bit of fun with this week's tip. Happy new year to all of our filers.

Should old committees be forgot
And never brought to mind?
No! Old committees can have a shot
Resurrected for auld lang syne!
For auld lang syne, my dear,
For auld lang syne!
If needed, update your C1PC,
Since we're now in Jan, ONE NINE!
And surely your filer id won't change!
And your passwords remain the same!
Unless you want to change them, then--
Update the C1PC and lay your claim.
And now, my friend, the time has come
To backup that campaign.
Enter ORCA from whence that file was from
To save it to a brand new plane.
Here is where things might go wrong;
Leaving out details would be a pity.
We can't explain ORCA through this song
And how best to create a new committee.
We raise our hands and direct you to
The forthcoming paragraphs.
The information is well and true,
And will keep you on the continuing committee path.

Now, for those details...