The Commission began a review of possible inflationary adjustments to monetary values listed in the Fair Campaign Practices Act.

Such adjustments could apply to contribution limits, monetary thresholds governing campaign finance reporting, reports of lobbying activity or the financial… read more

Spending in state legislative races approached record levels during the 2022 cycle.

Candidates vying for the 26th District Senate seat have reported spending a combined $1.6 million, placing it in line to become at least the third costliest legislative race in state history – just behind… read more

Paying a person, such as an influencer, to post on social media in support of or in opposition to a candidate or ballot measure campaign meets the definition of political advertising under state law. RCW 42.17A.005 (40)

Like other political advertising, payments should be reported to the… read more

It is time to register for the 2023-2024 biennium. A valid registration must be completed prior to any lobbying taking place. A registration is considered completed or valid, only if it has been approved by both the lobbyist and the lobbyist employer.

This 2-minute video … read more

Digital platforms possess data that could offer the public more information about political advertising – if only they were willing to share it, say experts from the Center for Information Technology Policy, based at Princeton University.

The Public Disclosure Commission heard a… read more

The Commission led a discussion that included more than a dozen people interested in what the PDC plans to propose during the 2023 session of the Legislature.

Participants included campaign treasurers, representatives of nonprofit organizations, a journalist, good government advocates… read more

The Public Disclosure Commission has identified the following list of possible priorities for its 2023 legislative agenda. The Commission is seeking input on these issues to assist in the final preparation of any potential agency request legislation.

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The Commission launched a discussion of potential topics for the PDC’s priorities for the 2023 legislative session.

Among the potential PDC priorities discussed were measures that would:

Require sponsors to identify their ads as political messages to the companies that sell… read more

You may have contributions for the general election made to the campaign before the primary.

If a donor reaches the contribution limit for contributions to the primary election, sometimes they’ll give more, and those donations are for the general election. If the candidate isn’t going on… read more

The new threshold for expedited reporting of large, last-minute contributions is $1,500, following action by the Public Disclosure Commission at its June meeting. The change takes effect June 30, 2022, in time for the primary election’s special reporting period that begins July 26.

Under… read more